[Review] Anime: Persona 4 Special


Where do I start?

This was a huge mess, and it's a big let down. Objectively it's not terrible, but it certainly isn't good. Subjectively, however, it's a horrible.

Okay, so it starts off with one of those "in the middle of things" with Margaret attacking Yu. Good start, a nice narrative method and it looks like they'll fit Margaret's Battle in there. But wait, what does that have to do with Izanami? Doubts crept in. After the OP, Yu and friends are having a going away party for Yu. Yu get's some mail. They need to get some stuff from the store so Nanako and Yu go and get it while the rest finish preparing the party. Yu is then suddenly is back at the beginning. He decided to open the mail he got this time and it's from Adachi, just like in the game. While they think about who could be the really real culprit, Yu once again is at the beginning, and is frantic to learn who it could be, he goes and finds the gas station attendant somehow, and he(the attendant) turns into Izanami. They have the "truth vs. delusion" debate and Izanami shows everyone being engulfed by the evil hands that are supposed to do that at the end. Apparently, what Yu saw was an illusion and they've already started fighting Izanami, and are losing. Yu then starts seeing the fake world again, so that he can stay with his friends, so Margaret fights him to snap him out of it and then gives him the Orb of Truth. Yu get's teh Izanagi-no-Okami, throws away his glasses and defeats old Queen Bitch of the Universe.

First off, the whole thing with him being in a fake reality and Yu getting help from his friends to get out was already done during the Kubo arc, and here it makes no fucking sense. Izanami does and says the things she said to Yu that she said to the P4 MC, but this time he already found out who she is and has already tried to stop her, so it doesn't work. The Margaret fight is so shoehorned in and takes up so much time it really drags things down. Rather than after being seemingly beaten by Izanami and having his friends seemingly killed, all his social links give him encouragement during the fight with Margaret, where it doesn't make sense for it to be, since she's trying to stop him from fooling himself and make him face the truth. Not to mention, they used I'll Face Myself -Reincarnation- for the fight between Izanami and Yu, instead of The Genisis, or Mist, two songs that were there in the game. I also feel it really loses some of it's power when instead of being attacked with a 999 dmg attack and not dying from it, his persona takes the blow for him, but that's the way they did it in the rest of the anime, so oh well. Why did they have to do it that way? I know they didn't want it exactly the same, but they reused a plot device and made it look dumb. The only things I think they did right were the send off of Yu(which was the way it was in the game), the view of what the TV world really looks like, and the choreography of the fights. It's really bad since this is supposed to be the adaptation of the game's True Ending, and is vastly inferior to the anime's Normal Ending, which I think was pretty awesome. It feels so hollow too.

I can't wait to see how they screw up the ending of P3 in it's movie.

