[Review] Game - Nier: Automata

NieR: Automata was a game I did not play until just recently. See, I hate this game's fans. Automata gained massive popularity and everyone ranted and raved about it. They ranted and raved mostly about things that... the game this is a sequel to did. Sympathetic enemies, a depressing tone, a philosophical story, gorgeous music, great characterization, gorgeous music, and a final ending which wipes your save file. These are all things the original NieR did, and unfortunately for me the gaming press at large and even many fans of the game don't really talk about what Automata does that NieR didn't do. The fact that so many upstarts who either had never heard of either Drakengard or NieR, or worse thought the first game was mediocre-bad, well you can imagine how a big fan of the original could develop some negative feelings for this game and its fans, to say the least. You know what, screw being civil for the sake of an articulate review. Fuck you posers w...