[Review] Anime: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S

Now, let's take a look at an anime I don't feel ashamed of liking and giving the score I gave it. Yes, I finished watching Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S(for sisters and also second season), and it was glorious. For all intents and purposes, it's better than the first season. Better story, better action, better music, better character development, and also better animation. It was this show that allowed the Railgun series to become my #1 anime. Allow me to tell you why! The story goes like this: During the second half of Misaka Mikoto(our Main Character)'s summer vacation, she gets dragged into yet another mystery. Judgement has been getting tons of reports of cash cards in envelopes lying around in alleyways. Mikoto doesn't think much of this, but when she overhears some punks talking about the culprit, she follows them to said culprit's hideout. The culprit, a very odd girl in a lab coat, mentions something about her being "The Original"(she's a ...