
Showing posts with the label Mediocre

[Awards] Movies That I Saw in 2024

To go along with my 2024 Game of the Year post, I'll now tell you about the movies I saw in 2024 as well! I can't really call it a "movie of the year" post if I haven't actually seen many new movies lol, I think it was like 3. So instead, I'll just tell you about what movies I saw this year instead. I watched quite a few! From great stuff to awful stuff, artsy to fartsy, horror and romantic drama, I've seen a bunch of stuff. So let's get to it!   On the 2nd of January, I watched Hayao Miyazaki's first feature film, Lupin III: The Castle of Gagliostro . It was OKAY! I dunno, I think I liked the first half more than the second, there were a lot of Miyazaki-isms in it that I enjoyed, and it was a good enough time, but I think I liked the last Lupin III movie I saw, Legend of the Gold of Babylon, more than this one. Still I enjoyed this take on Lupin and the plot, and a lot of the directing, it was a nice little movie to watch for sure. But this then ...

[Awards] Game of the Year 2023

WHAT'S UP GAMERS!? ELECTRIC BARRIER COMIN' ATCHA ONCE AGAIN TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE HELLA SICK NASTY GAMES THAT CAME OUT THIS YEAR, HOLLA!   HOW ABOUT THAT BALDUR'S GATE 3!?!?! I WOULDN'T KNOW DAWG, CUZ I DON'T PLAY THAT NERD SHIT!!!   I play other nerd shit. So let's talk about that.  This year, I somehow messed up my back near the end and it's still bad(help I'm probably going to need surgery) which has made it somewhat painful to be playing games on my TV and less so to do so at my computer, so I've been playing more PC games and emulating this year.  Generally speaking too, I've just been playing a lot of old games. I once again played and replayed more previously released games than new ones, so let's, as always, do the Old Games Of the Year segment!   Strap in for the whole thing, I wrote a fucking lot about all the games. I really didn't know what to do for most of them other than these mini, or maybe really not-so-mini, reviews of ...