[Hacking] UNDERTALE - Debug Mode, Room Codes, and FUN

Greetings, all! All... like, 3 of you? 2? F-four?! Well, however many there are, welcome to a special episode of "That Crazy Weeb is Talking to Us Again, Make Him go Away". Today, we're gonna do something different! And by different, I mean something that plenty of people people have done before: Editing files in Undertale to achieve specific results. With the PS4 version coming out fairly soon, it's unlikely I'll play the PC version again. Not to mention, I found the folder where the game's save file and events record is kept. So, I thought it might be fun to fuck around with the game to get those weird FUN events and go to some of those weird locked off rooms, since if I break the game, eh, I'm not playing this version anymore. So, I did just that! Now, I'm gonna show you what I found, and how you can replicate these results(or just have fun) on your own! First off: Part 1-A: What is FUN? "fun" is a value in the undertale.ini file, lo...