Rest in Peace, Kentaro Miura.

I can't catch a break. So, Kentarou Miura died. I won't pretend that I care more about him dying then his story not being finished, at least by him(it would not at all be the same by someone else, even if that happened). But I think I do feel more sad about it? I think I mentioned that it was unlikely we'd see the ending in our lifetimes in my review, but if not: It was unlikely we'd have seen the ending in our lifetimes. He claims the story was like, what, 80% complete in terms of plot progression? But, Berserk is 90% things other than plot progression. A lot has happened, but that's just raw events: In terms of plot, it could have been done in 10 or 15 volumes, instead of 40 fuckin volumes, if it's concerns were not elsewhere. I would imagine we were not 5 or volumes from the end, but likely 20 or more, if it continued at it's pace of character, world, lore, and theme building. That's, if it delivered a fully satisfying conclusion to all characters ...