
Showing posts with the label Railgun

Why Railgun is (Way) Better than Index.

Every time I thought of doing a review of Index, I kept thinking "Nah, I'll just endlessly compare it to Railgun.". It really would have been me being all like "Index sucks because Railgun did all this shit better 3/5 because it was still pretty enjoyable for the most part." So, rather than do that, why don't I just talk about why I feel this way and cut out the middle man? 1. Better Setting: Index is also set in Academy City, but it also goes into the "Magic Side" of things. The magic side of things doesn't get interesting in the least until that whole "New Testament" series, where the intricacies of it get explained better. Even then, the Science Side is just way more interesting. Until later on, the Magic Side wasn't anywhere near as compelling or fleshed out as the Science Side. We got a cool pseudo-science explanation for how esper powers work(it's basically Spiral Energy), but none for how magic works beyond the generi...

[Review] Anime: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S

Now, let's take a look at an anime I don't feel ashamed of liking and giving the score I gave it. Yes, I finished watching Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S(for sisters and also second season), and it was glorious. For all intents and purposes, it's better than the first season. Better story, better action, better music, better character development, and also better animation. It was this show that allowed the Railgun series to become my #1 anime. Allow me to tell you why! The story goes like this: During the second half of Misaka Mikoto(our Main Character)'s summer vacation, she gets dragged into yet another mystery. Judgement has been getting tons of reports of cash cards in envelopes lying around in alleyways. Mikoto doesn't think much of this, but when she overhears some punks talking about the culprit, she follows them to said culprit's hideout. The culprit, a very odd girl in a lab coat, mentions something about her being "The Original"(she's a ...

[Review] Doujin Game: To Aru Pantsu no Railgun

To Aru Pantsu no Railgun, which I guess translates out to "A Certain Pants of Railgun"(?), is a fun little action game created by Werk. It's basically a megaman clone. You play as the heroine of A Certain Scientific Railgun, Misaka Mikoto, as she attempts to reclaim what has been taken from her. There are 4 levels, each consisting of a 2 stage boss fight, with 4 Railgun characters. You can jump and shoot, just like megaman, When you beat a level, a new skill is unlocked. After Level 1, you can do a Lv. 1 Charge Shot, and after Level 2 you can do a Lv. 2 Charge Shot and a Dash, etc. The only problem is, since it's all boss fights, once you get the full Railgun attack you only have one more level to use it on. It's really awesome, so it's a shame. Everything pauses for a second while Mikoto flicks a coin in the air and shoots her mutha-fuckin' Wave Motion Cannon at whatever is in it's path. All in all, the game is fun and worth playing. It's also p...

[Review] Anime: Toaru Kagaku no Railgun

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, AKA A Certain Scientific Railgun, is one of my favourite sci-fi series ever. That being said, I'm going to try to not just gush all over the place. This is especially because I think the second season is better. Let's go! Story: The story is about a group a friends in the technological metropolis of Academy City who must solve the mysterious happenings in School District 7. They are espers, people who can use Psychic Powers. One has the ability to keep the temperature of anything she touches constant, one can teleport, one is an Electromaster, and the last has no powers(though she is revealed to have wind powers if she ever awakens to them). Their powers Rank Level 0, Level 1, Level 4, and Level 5. Odd considering that they are literally opposites in social standing, as your status raises with level. As the story begins, strange occurrences have been happening in which criminal espers are showing power higher than their levels should be capable of. T...

[Review] Manga: Toaru Kaguku no Railgun

I'm going to review the Railgun manga. Since I plan on reviewing the anime as well, I'll just focus on the art and such for this. Fuyukawa Motoi's artwork is great. It's got a wonderful style that seems to mix old and new styles of anime/manga together. Some of the drawings look like something from an early 2000s Gainax anime(like FLCL only less silly) and I wish that the anime could have been done by said studio, in a similar style to Gurren Lagann. Well, kinda. If they had it wouldn't have been directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai and a lot of the stuff I really liked that they added probably wouldn't have been added. Or maybe it would have, knowing Gainax... oh, wait, the guys who did TTGL are Trigger now, never mind. The revamped character designs are great as well. I definitely prefer Motoi's versions to J.C. Staff's and certainly to Kiyotaka Haimura's. The art not only improved over time(comparing one of the early action scenes to the Encounter with...