
Showing posts from September 19, 2012

[Review] Anime: Black Rock Shooter(TV)

Okay, this is gonna be short, as this is a short show(only 8 episodes, weird huh?).  Basically, it's a retelling of the story from the OVA. The same characters, and some new ones, go through troubles and somewhere in another world alternate versions of themselves do battle. But then there's a twist and, well, that'd be spoiling it. I have to say, there were some inconsistencies that really bothered me, mostly stemming from the explanation of the "other selves" this anime went with. I don't think it's bad, but it does create some problems as some things with them don't make sense when we consider them a "being who shoulders your grief". In the end I think they couldn't quite decide WHAT they wanted BRS to be. In the OVA it was implied to be something similar, but since they didn't outright state anything there weren't inconsistencies, because we weren't 100% on what it's supposed to be. Also, rather than making it in an...