[Review] OVA: Mirai Nikki Redial

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

What was this? Why does it exist? It serves no purpose, really. All it was, was how Yuno got to the universe Yukiteru was in. Wait, no, it doesn't actually explain that part, it just shows how she got to that point. And everything in between was meaningless filler. Some of it was kind of funny, but that clashed really badly against the serious bits. There's a good way to do mood whiplash, and there is a bad way. This was the bad way.

Let me run this down for you.

First we get almost the entire last scene of the TV series(so they could reuse animation), with an added bit where Evil Murmur eats some crystal made from Yuno's body and then Other Murmur(#2 I think), and then we proceed to the OP. Now, let me just say the OP is fucking epic as always, and is one of the few good things about this thing. Sadly, none of the stuff in it even comes close to happening, and it shows a bunch of characters we never see in it(like 4th and that weird orphanage lady).

Anyway, we now cut to Yuno on the beach who experiences Deja Vu so they can reuse animation again, and everything looks slightly off-model. Like episode 4 of Gurren Lagann. There are a bunch of jokes where that Ouji guy is used as the butt monkey again(if you don't know that term, it's less dirty than it sounds), the chick from the cult is shown to be in love with Akise(too bad he's gay amirite?), but the other cult person thinks she means Ouji and it leads to a mix up and hahaha. Also, Yomotsu Hirasaka shows up again and that was fucking awesome, because he's great. Yuno looks at her diary, which is now Time Stamped and she doesn't know why. Then she starts talking to herself and eventually somehow ends up in the Akashic Record(man, if Souren Araya knew it was this easy he would have become a Yandere ages ago!).

During this time there are cuts of Deus and Murmur and that rich guy talking about how they should choose a new god since they already did the Future Diary thing in the alternate universe. The rich guy suggests some kind of monopoly-based game where rich people can spy on less rich people and they can spy on plebes. It was kind of funny, especially when Deus drops him through a trap door for being stupid.

Murmur tries to stop Yuno, but Minene fights her to let Yuno go on... for some reason, she never explains herself really. Akise also shows up to fight her and... pulls out a katana(I don't know either). But, Yuno's Crazy Fu is too much for Akise's complete lack of Bushido skill, and she defeats him. Then she makes it to the Record, and the sword turns out to be the key to it.

Now, just for a second, let me address this. You may call it nitpicking, but I think it's important. Why? Why is it the key? Why did Akise attack her with the very object that could open what he didn't want her to get into? Or rather, was told not to let her get into. If it was because he really wanted her to get in, why didn't he just give her then thing instead of wasting time(that Minene was buying Yuno) trying to fight her? I know Deus has him under his control, but Deus didn't seem to do anything when he incompetently let her get the sword/key. Did Deus actually want her to get in? If so, why not just, ya know, LET HER IN?! If the sword somehow became the key, how did that happen? GAH!

Okay, so she gets in and she finds (Not So)Evil Murmur locked up in a cage, and she now has pink hair. Why? Because she absorbed Yuno's memory of course! Which... apparently changes your hair color to that of the person whose memory you ate. Dafuq? They start crying about shit in what I think is supposed to be an emotional scene, but it isn't because who honestly gives a fuck about Murmur? Not me. Anyway, she gives Yuno the old Yuno's memories because that's a stupid thing to do. If a mass murderer has amnesia, you don't try to get them to remember their past, you try to rebuild them as a good person. Now that she remembers she's gonna go back to being a huge psycho.

She breaks into Yukiteru's dimension after they reuse a scene from the end of the anime again, and all that's added is Yuno hugging Yukiteru and saying "we still need to go look at the stars". This here is a prime example of why the ending of the anime was good. It leaves it vague. Yukiteru's Diary changes, we hear cracking sounds and "Yukii", and then we end. You know why people end stuff like that? Because it looks stupid if you continue it! And guess what? This scene was stupid as all hell. Imagine if they made an OVA for Madoka Magica where they showed the entire ending scene but then had Madoka come down from the sky or Homura break into Madoka's dimension and hug her. That'd be dumb. Now, I'm not saying Mirai Nikki is even close to being the Fucking Masterpiece that Madoka Magica was, but my point still stands I think. I have the utmost belief that the 3rd Movie will not try to explain that scene. That is because these things are best left up to the imagination. The mystery is more interesting than the answer. It is really, really hard to come up with an answer to a mystery that satisfies, unless you do something that few people will think of. Like the truth about Hinamizawa Syndrome in Higurashi, that was some crazy shit.

So, basically, what I'm trying to say is that this is a total waste of time and I don't know why I bothered watching it. There were a few good moments, so I won't call it a total failure. I'm not calling it a success either. It's shit.

