[Awards...?] Anime 2k15

THE GOOD Runner Up Anime the Year: Initial D Movie 1(aside from lack of Eurobeat it's NEW AND IMPROVED) Kamisama Kiss 2 Baby Steps 2 Himouto! Umaru-chan Magical Somera-chan. I'm a slightly pervy eel man. Too bad this meteor's gonna hit me. Better spin this useless gear. Jitsu wa Watashi wa: funniest comedy aside gintama also All 9/10 Best Amateur Attempt at a Short Film: Taifu no Noruda: Try again guys it wasn't bad! It also has this sweet key image. Best JoJo of the Year: Stardust Crusaders Egypt-hen / ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAAAA Best Anime Still Airing : Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans Best Anime of the Year: One Punch Man. ONE PAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCH. GET DA POOOOOOOOWAH. I WANNA BE A SAIKYOU HEROOOOOOOOOO. I had to make this my anime of the year not only cuz I couldn't think of anything beside the new Gundam that I was most excited for each time it aired, but just because this was the coolest a...