[Awards] Game of the Year 2018

Hey there, and welcome to my 2018 game of the year post! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Gonna be honest, I've been going through some shit recently and I don't really feel like doing much of this. I feel like I'd much rather be doing something else instead of writing this because I really lack the motivation... however, I'm going to try and not totally half ass this, but it's gonna be a lot lazier than last time. But! I am gonna try to do this, and then later when I've finished up this anime season I'll make an anime of the year post too. Fun Fact: While writing this, I got the flu or something, puked a bunch and then slept for like 12 hours, missing like a day and a half. That's part of why this is so late. Before we begin, I have two things to go over! A. Games I played this year that weren't released this year, and B. Games that were released this year that I wanted to play but didn't. To start, we'll do games I played that weren't fr...