
Showing posts from 2022

[Awards] Game of the Year 2022

There weren't a whole lot of new games I played this year, it was mostly old ones. Because of this, I actually played so many old games I lost track of them! There won't be an "old games of the year" post or section because of this, at least not a long one. Let's get that out of the way! They Include but are Not Limited to : FFX The remakes of RE 1-3, as well as 4, 6, 7, and 8. Uncharted 1-4 FF7 Remake EarthBound And the first 2 Kingdom Hearts I also played Tales of Phantasia for the first time, and my final verdict on it is: A technically impressive game for the time with a fresh new combat system as well as cool music and graphics, but the story sucks and the act of playing it isn't fun. Lots of times you just kinda have to figure out where the fuck to go because nobody tells you other than "We need to find/do the thing!", the encounter rate is too high meaning you need to constantly stock up on Holy Bottles to lower it, much of the balance is awfu...

[Analysis] Deltarune - Actions Speak Louder Than Words

*These were originally meant to be simple notes which explains their structure, I just ended up writing so much it became more of a character analysis, so I decided to post it* Both Kris and Susie understand and believe that actions speak louder than words.  Susie is not swayed by any of Ralsei's attempts to get her to act more like a hero, instead she goes off to Lancer who shows he accepts and appreciates her style, thanking her for helping him be a better "bad guy" and incorporating what she taught him into his next appearence.  Later, Susie is not able to be reasoned with by Lancer, instead, what snaps her out of her anger is the fact he starts to stand there and take it instead of hurting her. By seeing that his actions show he really means what he says, she ends up not having the heart to go through with it and gives up.  Susie is swayed by these actions, not anyone's words, to decide to listen to Kris/The Player in battle. She has a change of heart and reconsid...