[Awards] Anime of the Year 2023

Finally, after all these years, the Anime of the Year post has returned. Luckily, nobody reads my blog so nobody could possibly have been disappointed by it's absence. It actually isn't that bad, the last Anime of the Year post was for 2019. Doing some high level, super smart guy math here, and I think that's been 3 years I've missed. It felt like longer. Felt like longer since I watched enough to actually make an Anime of the Year post, though. I actually watched more in 2020 and 2021 than I did this year! Just you know, way less. Though in 2022 I only watched 6 shows, definitely a good few less than this year, much less than 2020 and 2021, and much, much less than I had watched from around 2012 to 2019. The answer as to why is complicated, or at least it has of different factors. For one, anime's on a down swing I think. It could just be due to me getting older, my standards getting higher and having seen everything before so it needs to be extra good for me t...