
[Awards] Anime of the Year Awards 2016 Presented in 4k TruHD(TM) Part 1: Za Worsto

2016 was a terrible year, because Trump won, some celebrities died, and people were super racist and sexist which never happened in any other year. The bad aspects of this year most certainly weren't things like politics becoming an enormous fucking joke because of things like this , it wasn't all of the terrorist attacks in europe(and even a couple in the states) that killed 100+ people total, and it for sure wasn't that california will bar police from arresting child prostitues, effectively legalizing child prostitution . No, no, Carrie Fisher and Prince died, a guy you don't like was elected, and like Beth totally dissed me at the party like OMG how could she say that??? But instead of an obviously sarcastic rant about le current year, how about I actually get onto talking about anime like I'm supposed to, unlike Giant Bomb when it comes to video games this year. First off, since we're speaking about bad things of this year, let's do the obvious and ...

[Review] Free Steam Game: Minds Eye

So about a week or so ago, I downloaded a free game from steam, called Minds Eye(sic). Now, obviously, it's a free game from steam and thus probably not good. It wasn't and I'm not bein harsh here, that's not what this is for. In fact I wanna say the guy who made this seems to genuinely want to make a good horror game and this was just a prototype. He accepted all the criticism of this game and made note of it and will probably make something less shit when he makes his actual game. So really this isn't even criticism of the game, it's not really a review. I just wanna laugh at this thing because damn man, it is hilarious. It's not even all that bad it's just funny. So what is this game anyway? Well it's first person walking simulator horror game. You know a rip off of PT basically. You wake up in a house and things are spooky and eventually a monster comes after you and junk. But, well, we need to take this one step at a time. The first thing...

Top 10 RPGs

Hello and welcome to my list of my top 10 favorite RPGs. I decided to have it as "RPGs" in general and not specifics like turn-based, as this way I can put SRPGs(strategy role playing games) as well as non turn-based RPGs that wouldn't really count as Action RPGs.  One game per series as I could probably fill up the list with series entries. I like RPGs, they're my favorite genre of games. Probably because the first console game I played was like, Final Fantasy 7. That influenced so many things about me, most of all my taste in games, character types, and aesthetics. Because of that, I think, I set out to try and play as many RPGs as I could. And I've played quite a lot. I bet if you made some statistics, like a pie chart or something, the majority of the games I played would fit in the RPG category, especially turn based JRPGs. So yeah, I really fucking love them. But what are my favorites? Well, that's what I'm here to tell you! Without further ado, h...

[Review] Anime?: Steven Universe(Seasons 1&2 sort of)

So, I've been wanting to do this for a few weeks now, because that's when I watched all the episodes currently aired in like 3 days because that's how fucking into this thing I was. Unfortunately I was wracking my brain trying to figure out just what to say and how to explain it, but now I think I know just what to do: Just review it. I could go on and on for ages about certain things but I think that'd do the show a disservice, because by focusing on those elements I'd be doing exactly what I don't want people to be doing with this show: focusing on... you know, those elements. So instead I'll put a little pre-amble to my actual review and briefly address... some things. To start off I think it'd be best if we started with how I came to watch this show. Originally when this show aired I had absolutely no interest in it. It looked like one of those shitty lol so randum modern cartoons and just wasn't my thing at all. It seemed really fucking dum...

[Awards...?] Anime 2k15

THE GOOD Runner Up Anime the Year: Initial D Movie 1(aside from lack of Eurobeat it's NEW AND IMPROVED) Kamisama Kiss 2 Baby Steps 2 Himouto! Umaru-chan Magical Somera-chan. I'm a slightly pervy eel man. Too bad this meteor's gonna hit me. Better spin this useless gear. Jitsu wa Watashi wa: funniest comedy aside gintama also   All 9/10 Best Amateur Attempt at a Short Film: Taifu no Noruda: Try again guys it wasn't bad! It also has this sweet key image. Best JoJo of the Year:  Stardust Crusaders Egypt-hen / ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAAAA Best Anime Still Airing : Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans Best Anime of the Year:   One Punch Man.  ONE PAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCH. GET DA POOOOOOOOWAH. I WANNA BE A SAIKYOU HEROOOOOOOOOO. I had to make this my anime of the year not only cuz I couldn't think of anything beside the new Gundam that I was most excited for each time it aired, but just because this was the coolest a...