[Review] Anime?: Steven Universe(Seasons 1&2 sort of)
So, I've been wanting to do this for a few weeks now, because that's when I watched all the episodes currently aired in like 3 days because that's how fucking into this thing I was. Unfortunately I was wracking my brain trying to figure out just what to say and how to explain it, but now I think I know just what to do: Just review it. I could go on and on for ages about certain things but I think that'd do the show a disservice, because by focusing on those elements I'd be doing exactly what I don't want people to be doing with this show: focusing on... you know, those elements. So instead I'll put a little pre-amble to my actual review and briefly address... some things. To start off I think it'd be best if we started with how I came to watch this show. Originally when this show aired I had absolutely no interest in it. It looked like one of those shitty lol so randum modern cartoons and just wasn't my thing at all. It seemed really fucking dum...