[Awards] Game of the Year 2020

So, I haven't felt like making a game of the year post until around now. I know it's literally over halfway through 2021, but A: No one reads this blog and 2: Better late than never, right? So saying, welcome to my Game of the Year 2020 edition post! I played 11 games last year, 4 of them were remasters. It's like every year! I'm bad at these intros, what do you want me to say? Here we go: Best Remaster: Bayonetta and Vanquish Anniversary Collection VS Megaman Zero & ZX Collection I played both of these collections of old games in 2020, but which one is better? Well, on the one hand, the Bayonetta one allows you to play Bayo on a Sony console without the performance being garbage. The PS3's is so bad that /v/ considers it unplayable. Now, I can deal with the PS3 version, but now I don't have to. Don't have to get a copy of Vanquish either! On the other hand, it's just two PS3 games that are like, already being remastered? The Megaman Zero and ZX Co...